By Kirsten Dolan – One Parking
Everyone has been at a point where they can’t see past obstacles in the way. The truth is that successful people overcome obstacles not because they have fewer things standing in their way, but because they have a certain attitude toward problems. Here are three tricks to see past obstacles:
- Believing in Yourself/Knowing that you can do it – Two things inhibit us from getting to the next steps. One is the self-talk telling us we cannot do something, and the other is outward referral (waiting for someone else to tell us that our idea is a good one). Part of overcoming obstacles is having an inner knowing and not looking outside of yourself for approval to carry on.
- Viewing the Conquest of Problems as Challenging and Rewarding – If problems were that easy to get past, they wouldn’t be viewed as accomplishments once they are behind us. Part of overcoming adversity is embracing it and knowing that there is a reason for going through it to get to the other side.
- Flipping that hurdle from a Negative to a Positive – Rather than seeing challenges through a negative prism, flip them around and see the optimistic side of the issue, like what was learned. This positive perspective can be the difference between success and failure.
The author Og Mandino said, “Always seek out the seed of triumph in every adversity.” This applies to business and it applies to life in general. Hit adversity head on with a smile. When you do, that obstacle becomes an opportunity.